Vote for Development in UttarPradesh – But don’t make the development agenda minimalist


Seventy years of democracy – India successfully makes world’s largest and youngest democracy, and happens to be world’s fastest growing economy now. Uttar Pradesh – the ancient, resourceful and most populous state is  also nation’s highly politically active state. Lying across the Ganga-Yamuna fertile plains, UttarPradesh has been the centre of ancient civilisations from Ramrajya to Maurayan empire, from Kushan, Gupta empire to medieval age Mughal empire. UttarPradesh fought back imperalism under BritishRaj right from 1857 rebellion – Cawnpore Rebellion, Meerut Rebellion to active participation in Non-Cooperation, Quit India Movement, and majorly contributed to the nation’s freedom struggle. The land has nurtured Indian culture, and has been a vital centre for education, learning, prosperity, cultural exhange, integral unity, social and political activities. As known, most Prime Ministers of Sovereign India have come from Uttar Pradesh.

Being one of the highly politically active state – Uttarpradesh has been ground for various social and political movements, birth place of several political parties, eventually becoming victim of politics of coalition, vote bank, appeasement. While the politics of Uttarpradesh narrowed down to this, development trajectory in the state got compromised and stagnated. Primarily, an agrarian state – this Hindi heartland is a land of unlimited potentials – left un-utilised. 30% of the population in the state still lives below poverty line (Tendulkar, 2013), and the migration rate in the state is rapidly increasing. Moreover, unfortunately, the statistics on crime – murder, dacoity, rape, theft, kidnapping, etc is on high (including cases registered under IPC and SLL)[1]. The Indian growth story has come up to 7% (GDP Annual Growth Rate), and other states have also climbed the ladder of development, such as Madhya Pradesh – 9-10%, Haryana – 7-8%, Gujarat – 8-9%, while UP still stands low at 4-5% (GSDP Growth Rate at Constant Prices 2004-05)[2].

Rise of Opportunism in Politics
It started with the political unrest within the state leadership in the Congress party after the death of Shri GB Pant. First President’s Rule was imposed in the state in 1968, when the 4th assembly under Bharatiya Kranti Dal led by Shri Chaudhary Charan Singh dissolved. The series of political turmoil, intra-party and inter-party clashes led to kind of political instability in the state – which gradually evolved to the phase of coalition politics. After the Emergency fiasco, Uttar Pradesh became ground for political movements and several anti-congress leaders, socialist leaders, other parties under the canvas of Janata Party[3] and later Janata Dal[4] came to power. Political stability with clash of ideology within the several leaders under this canvas was not possible. Therefore, several factions broke out of this canvas – both at National and Regional levels. This is when the politics of coalition became a salient feature of political equations in India. Uttarpradesh – being victim of opportunism in coalition politics – witnessed series of rise and fall of leaders, sectarian ideologies, vote bank and appeasement politics.

Divisive Politics
Parties came to power focusing on pockets of votes. The state became a battlefield for political power, and the population divided into vote-bank. Coalitions and political turmoils continued for few decades that none of chief ministers could rule for complete 5-years tenure in the state, until 2007. Meanwhile, the vote-pockets in the state became so defined that every child born in most communities know their political affiliations. Political parties that came to power appeasing a particular section treated as vote-bank, gave them undue patronage – which is openly promised in public rallies. However, the saddest part – with all that appeasement and favouritism and nepotism, development of the state remained compromised. Even for that matter, the appeased communities remained backward, while corruption, illegal activities, organised crime kept rising. So much so that the state earned fame for having worst law and order, which discouraged investment and eventually adding to dearth of opportunities. In short, the state remained victim of divisive appeasement politics.

Populism and Development Agenda
Besides, the backwardness harnessed so well in the state in past 2-decades that made people too dependent on the government. The focus was not on giving employment, but distributing employment allowances, not on power generation but load-cutting. The young state suffers poor education standards and dearth of employment opportunities. The state that largely contributes to agricultural production but farmers here live in adversities. The state whose chief minister – representing marginalised community sends private jet to get her sandals, the state whose chief minister distributes laptops to students in power devoid villages and says mobiles are used only for music and movies. The state where with each elections the specific communities are assured employment and after subsequent elections they are replaced by some other community. The resourceful state where katiyabaaz were protected and demand for power is managed by scheduling power-cuts. Funny it sounds! Populism to win elections and run government to keep the vote-bank loyal has marred the scope of development aspirations of the state.

The state dark-side of democracy so misused and manipulated in the state that the development agenda now has become minimalist. After the 2014 General elections, fighting elections on development and against corruption has become a benchmark. The state where development still means getting first electricity connection, gas connection, connecting villages to roads – the development agenda is simply stimulating these basics. Wonder! This is the state of the largest state of  India. The aspirations of people cannot be misled by merely stimulating these basics after 70years of independence. The present rhetoric in assembly election 2017 is appeasing for votes on such a minimalist development approach.
The narrative of development in Uttarpradesh in the 2017 Assembly elections cannot be something is better than nothing. In the minimalist approach of development, the leaders cannot mislead people to overlook corruption, loss out of sectarian and appeasement politics. 2017 Assembly Elections for Uttarpradesh are not just an opportunity to reverberate their development aspirations, but also to let the leaders know not to be agents to their communities – to let them know that state is bigger than community. These elections in Uttarpradesh need to resonate that politics cannot divide and rule, and people are not vote-banks. The development aspirations of all communities is good-governance – a transparent and just system - devoid of corruption, favouritism and nepotism. Also, these elections should not lead to another coalition fiasco and political instability. Uttarpradesh has had enough of opportunism based vote-bank, sectarian and appeasement politics.

[3] 1977-1980 – Under the leadership of Ram Naresh Yadav and Babu Banarasi Das in the State (7th Assembly of UP).
[4] 1989-91 – Under the leadership of Mulamyan Singh Yadav (VP Singh as National Founder) – 10th Assembly of UP. 


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